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Meg Harney, Ph.D. is a graduate of our Clinical Psychology program in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. She is now a clinician in a private practice in Virginia, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders.

Looking back at her time as a graduate student, Meg found that her training helped prepare her for her current role as a full-time clinician in Richmond. “UNC provided me with the training and opportunities to think and ask questions like a scientist – and also explore human emotions and needs like a clinician,” says Meg. “I developed a great repertoire of empirically-supported treatments while at UNC and now I tailor them to the individual needs of my clients in private practice.”

Our doctoral students have a wealth of experiences at Carolina, particularly in our Clinical Psychology program where students’ graduate training involves research, teaching, and clinical practice. “I really appreciated the collegial atmosphere and forming relationships with my fellow graduate students and with faculty members,” Meg shares. “Everyone needs a community in grad school and I was fortunate to find mine. I also loved the diversity of clinical rotations.” Doctoral students in our Clinical Psychology program undertake clinical rotations as part of their practicums and internships. Practicums start in the second year of graduate school and there are a wide variety of opportunities at practices, hospitals, and clinics. Our students get the chance to not only work with diverse clients and patients, but they also have the opportunity to work and gain experience at different sites.

Meg graduated with her Ph.D. in 2013 from UNC Chapel Hill and, five years out from graduate school, has some key advice for prospective and current doctoral students. “Let yourself explore. Be curious. Be genuine. You don’t have to nail your exact career path right away,” recommends Meg. “Pursue the roles and activities in grad school that excite you and feel important to you.” Following your passions can lead to a fulfilling career, as Meg has found in her role as a a clinician in a private practice for patients with eating disorders. “Every day I hear about experiences of triumphs and of struggles,” she says. “I love sorting through these experiences with my clients and helping them realize their own goodness and power.”

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