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Dr. Mitch Prinstein, Van Seters Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of the 2019 Beverly Thorn Award for Outstanding Service.

The Thorn Award is administered through the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP). Consistent with the example set by Dr. Thorn, outstanding service involves the development of innovative ways to build and measure program quality, a record of achievement in assuring good outcomes for graduates of the program, contributions to the community of DCTs through attendance, participation, and contributions to the life of the CUDCP, and principled advocacy for the scientist-practitioner philosophy of education and training at the local, state, and national levels.

Dr. Prinstein was selected for his outstanding service as our Director of Clinical Training (DCT) from 2006 to 2018. He was honored with the Thorn Award during the 2019 CUDCP Mid Winter Meeting in New Orleans, LA, January 18 – 19.

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