Dr. Kamilah Legette, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Developmental Psychology, has been awarded the 2019-2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Early Career Research Fellowship in Middle Childhood Education and Development.
This fellowship provides a 2-year collaborative opportunity for early career scholars to participate in a research network focused on middle childhood education and development. The purpose of this initiative is to build an early career cohort of scholars with integrative interests and expertise at the nexus of child development and formal/informal education and learning in their broader social context. It leverages the expertise and convening capacity of both organizations to create a context for early career scholars to expand their research competencies and enhance their research programs.
AERA and SRCD have designed this cohort fellowship experience to foster communication, collaboration, and exchange over a span of time. The Spring 2019 meetings of both associations will provide a designed opportunity to establish this middle childhood network with fellows and mentors; the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting will allow for continued fellow-mentor collaboration and fellow research presentations at an invited poster session; and the 2021 meetings of each association will serve as capstone events for fellows to present their work, feature common projects or outcomes made possible through the fellowship experience, and consider next steps and future opportunities building upon the fellowship. This joint effort will capitalize on the knowledge, skills, and research expertise of senior scholars across child development and education research. Through these activities, this initiative seeks to develop a cohort of early career scholars with greater capacity for synergistic and integrative research that spans education and development.
Dr. Legette was selected as a member of the 2019-2021 cohort of AERA-SRCD fellows for her strong track record in child development, educational research, and research grounded in behavioral and science fields with an emphasis on children, early childhood, and education and learning.