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Heidi Vuletich, a graduate student in Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology, is the recipient of the 2019 Psychology Club’s Award for Excellence in Research Mentoring by a Graduate Student.

This award is selected via student nomination to recognize outstanding mentorship for undergraduate students in Psychology.

This year, the graduate student award goes to someone who exemplifies what it means to be a Research mentor, Heidi Vuletich. She has taken strides to reduce the negative stereotypes associated with the rigidity and all too often impersonal nature of the lab environment. Heidi has shown incredible commitment to fostering research development in undergraduates, whether it was being available to available to answer questions at any time of day or by being and willing to explain things multiple times, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. However, Heidi’s work goes beyond just teaching skills. To quote one of her nominees, “[She] has provided warm mentorship and advice when needed. I was having a rough time one day in the lab earlier this semester and she created a space for me to talk about my career frustrations and offered kind words as well as very apt advice.” Heidi was honored at the Psychology and Neuroscience Commencement Ceremony on May 12, 2019.

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