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Mallory Feldman, a graduate student in Social Psychology, is the recipient of a 2020 Love Consortium Graduate Student Research Grant.

The Love Consortium is focused on advancing the scientific study of all processes related to love and social connection. The science of love relates to a diverse range of communities of inquiry, including affective science, personality psychology, close relationships, developmental science, the psychology of religion, neuroscience, organizational behavior, communication studies, and more. The Love Consortium’s graduate research rants assist doctoral students with research costs associated with conducting collaborative and groundbreaking research on the science of love and awards multiple $10,000 research grants to doctoral students with research in the science of love, in collaboration with a researcher who has relevant data described on the Love Consortium Dataverse.

Mallory received a total award of $10,000 (over one year) for her project, “Unpacking the Role of Synchrony in Relationships.”

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