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Congratulations to Megan Hineline and Armani Johnson, the recipients of the J. Steven Reznick Diversity and Psychological Research Grants for Spring 2021.

The Reznick Diversity and Psychological Research Grant supports students from underrepresented backgrounds or those who are interested in conducting research with, or applicable to, populations traditionally underrepresented in research. The students receiving this $2,000 award may use the funds to offset the need for other part-time work, to cover the costs of carrying out research, and/or to attend a professional conference.

The J. Steven Reznick Diversity and Psychological Research Grant honors Dr. Reznick, a close friend and colleague in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. He earned his B.A. in Psychology from UNC Chapel Hill, M.A. from Wake Forest University, and Ph.D. from University of Colorado. He was a proud alumnus of UNC Chapel Hill and served on our faculty from 1998 until his death in 2016. Dr. Reznick made many contributions to enriching diversity in student experiences at UNC Chapel Hill and we thank him for his lifelong commitment to education, research, and Carolina. The Reznick Research Fund honors Dr. Reznick and encourages undergraduate students who conduct exemplary research on topics of concern to diverse populations as well as undergraduates from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in psychological research.

Megan is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in Psychology. She previously worked in Dr. Mitch Prinstien’s Peer Relations Lab and is currently pursuing a senior honors thesis in Dr. Deborah Jones’s lab. Meghan is fascinated by the intersections of psychology and technology. Specifically, she is drawn to studying how technology can be utilized to enhance access to, engagement in, and outcomes of traditional therapy treatment options for marginalized populations. Her research this Spring will focus on how the presence or absence of a coparent, as well as the quality of the coparenting relationship, mediates the outcomes of technology-enhanced behavioral parent training for low-income families.

Armani is a second-year undergraduate majoring in Psychology. She is interested in how parenting influences social, economic, mental, and developmental outcomes for children and young adult, with a particular emphasis on children raised by single parents and those from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds. Armani will pursue her research this Spring in Dr. Shauna Cooper’s lab.

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