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Buzinski, Steven
Teaching Associate Professor | Gil Internship Program Director | Assoc. Dir. of Undergraduate PSYC Studies
334 Davie Hall

Dr. Buzinski teaches undergraduate courses in social and cognitive psychology and directs the Karen M. Gil Internship Program. He studies the role of goal systems in self-regulation and the social psychology of the classroom. Visit him online: Steven G. Buzinski, Ph.D.

Chanon, Vicki
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of the Cognitive Science Minor
236 Davie Hall

Dr. Chanon teaches courses on various cognitive and neuroscience topics.

Estle, Sara
Teaching Associate Professor
332 Davie Hall


Gaudier-Diaz, Monica
Teaching Assistant Professor
237 Davie Hall


Dr. Gaudier-Diaz teaches introductory and advanced courses in neuroscience. Her interest in stress and health, is reflected in courses such as, Neuroimmunology, Neurobiology of Disease, and Psychoneurobiology of Stress. Committed to offer the best neuroscience education possible she incorporates course-based undergraduate research experiences her teaching.

Griffin, Desiree
Teaching Associate Professor | Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Undergraduate Psychology Advising
232 Davie Hall


Harrison, Patrick
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of Instructional Development
241 Davie Hall
(919) 843-7000


Dr. Harrison teaches applied undergraduate courses in statistics and methodology and theoretical courses in social and personality psychology. He also studies the interface of positive psychology and intergroup relations. Visit him online: Patrick R. Harrison, Ph.D..

Li, Rosa
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Undergraduate Outreach Program for Psychology & Neuroscience 
229 Davie Hall


Dr. Li teaches undergraduate courses in cognitive/cognitive neuroscience topics and for the Adolescent Brain Development and Technology Initiative. Visit her online: Rosa Li, Ph.D.

Loeb, Jeannie
Teaching Professor | Director of Undergraduate Studies
235 Davie Hall
(919) 843-7753


Dr. Loeb teaches general psychology, biological psychology, laboratory in college teaching and co-created and teaches the interdisciplinary Triple I course called Death & Dying. She is passionately interested in evidence-based study strategies and faculty development of instruction. Visit her online: Jeannie Loeb, Ph.D.

Parekh, Shveta
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Undergrad NSCI Research
266 Davie Hall


Parikh, Natasha
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Study Abroad in Psychology & Neuroscience
238 Davie Hall


Dr. Parikh teaches applied undergraduate courses in the department such as statistics and methods and has expertise in cognitive neuroscience. She is particularly interested in the interplay between emotions and memory. Visit her online: Natasha Parikh, Ph.D. 

Robertson, Sabrina
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of Neuroscience Curricula
230 Davie Hall


Dr. Robertson teaches undergraduate courses in molecular neuroscience and neurotechnology. She is also dedicated to the discovery and implementation of the best, evidence-based practices for neuroscience education and course based research experiences.

Wiss, Charlie
Teaching Professor | Director of Foundation and University Fellowships
251 Davie Hall
(919) 962-0032