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Dr. Viji Sathy, a Teaching Associate Professor, was elected as the Division 3 (Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division of the College of Arts and Sciences) representative for the Administrative Board of the Library.

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill has a long tradition of shared governance in which faculty plays key roles in decision-making about academic matters. In 1950, the Faculty Code of University of Government was adopted by the general faculty and it created an elected Faculty Council to legislate on the faculty’s behalf and revised the system of faculty committees that were to report annually to the council. According to the rules and procedures outlined in the Code as amended over the years since, the UNC Chapel Hill faculty has retained a strong voice as advisers to the Chancellor and other administrators on the academic matters that lie at the heart of the university’s mission.

Annual faculty elections for faculty-wide positions were held March 30 – April 9, 2018. The Administrative Board of the Library is an elective faculty committee composed of 14 members (seven are elected and six are appointed by the Chair of the Faculty). The Administrative Board of the Library advises the University librarian on the administration of the University library system, formulates the general policies governing the acquisition of, access to, and use of the library collections, reviews the University librarian’s budget requests, and makes an annual report to the Faculty Council. Dr. Sathy will serve for a three-year term, effective 2018 to 2021.

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