Our Reputation
The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience has received the following university, national, and international rankings:
- Ranked #12 among Psychology Graduate Programs. U.S. News and World Report, 2023
- Ranked #2 among Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs. U.S. News and World Report, 2023
- Ranked #2 among Best Value Colleges for a Psychology Degree. Best Value Schools, 2021
- Ranked #1 among Psychology Programs for Federal Funding. National Science Foundation, 2018
Our graduate programs are highly competitive. We seek talented people who can benefit from our programs and who show exceptional promise of making original contributions to the field of Psychology. Only a small number of applicants are accepted. For Fall 2023 admission, we received 963 applications for graduate study and we offered 37 students admission (3.8%). Learn more about our graduate programs.
We are one of the largest undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Sciences, with over 2,692 undergraduate majors and 546 undergraduate minors in Fall 2023. Over 200 undergraduate students are involved in research with faculty. We are committed to ensuring our undergraduate majors have transformative academic experiences at Carolina. 99% of our students engage in a research-intensive psychology course, 55% have enrolled in a First-Year Seminar course to make the best transition possible to college life, 43% engage in a service-learning course to extend their learning beyond the classroom and make an impact on the local community, and 25% participate in a study abroad experience to enrich their knowledge and understanding. We want our students to have an academic experience that challenges them to connect their classroom learning with their citizenship in a global economy. Learn more about our B.S. and B.A. major in Psychology and our B.S. major in Neuroscience.
Our faculty are accomplished researchers who have made substantial contributions to the advancement of science in our field. We were ranked #4 among UNC College of Arts and Sciences Departments with grant funding over $12 million in fiscal year 2022, and we were ranked #25 overall in the University for total grant funding. Learn more about our research.
Interested to learn more about our Department? Check out our departmental promotional flyer [PDF] that details several key statistics, opportunities available, and other points of interest.