Research Services
The role of Research Services at the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is to assist faculty, adjuncts, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates in the pursuit of resources to support empirical research in the behavioral sciences.
Our primary purpose is to offer aid in the identification of sources of potential funding, alternative mechanisms of funding, potential avenues of collaboration both inside and outside the department, and step-by-step guidance from the development of the project to the final submission of the proposal. The guiding goal of Research Services is to maximize resources available to all members of the Department of Psychology to foster and support empirical research in the behavioral sciences.
All external grant proposals must be routed and approved by UNC Office of Sponsored Research. Our Grants Management Officer, Phil Lee can assist with your budget, University-required forms, and agency forms.
If you are a high school student or undergraduate interested in research or graduate school, we invite you to view additional information online: Resources for Getting Involved in Research.
Resources and Training
- Center for Faculty Excellence
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy
- North Carolina Translational and Clinical Institute
- Office of Clinical Trials
- Office of Human Research Ethics
- Office of Research Development
- Office of Sponsored Research
- SPIN Plus Funding Database
- UNC Workshops and Training
- UNC Research