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Abramowitz, Jonathan
Martin S. Wallach Distinguished Term Professor | Clinical Psychology Program Director
255 Davie Hall
(919) 843-8170

Dr. Abramowitz studies psychological processes and cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and health-related anxiety. Visit him online: UNC Anxiety Lab.

Algoe, Sara
Professor | Associate Chair for Research 
324 Davie Hall
(919) 962-2538

Dr. Algoe studies the roles of emotions in social interactions. Visit her online: Emotions and Social Interactions Laboratory.

Arnold, Jennifer
Professor | Cognitive Psychology Program Director
337B Davie Hall


Dr. Arnold studies the cognitive mechanisms underlying language comprehension and production in adults and children. Visit her online: UNC Language Processing Lab.

Bardone-Cone, Anna
268 Davie Hall


Dr. Bardone-Cone studies etiology and maintenance of bulimia nervosa with particular interests in the roles of perfectionism, self-efficacy, and stress; sociocultural factors, including race, ethnicity, family, and media, in relation to body image and eating disorders; and defining recovery from an eating disorder. Visit her online: The Bardone-Cone Lab.

Bauer, Daniel
Professor | Quantitative Psychology Program Director
362A Davie Hall


Dr. Bauer studies psychometrics, statistical models for developmental data, multi-level and non-linear models, structural equation modeling, cluster analysis, and finite mixture models. Visit him online: Daniel J. Bauer, Ph.D.

Boettiger, Charlotte
Professor | Behavioral & Integrative Neuroscience Program Director
304B Davie Hall


Dr. Boettiger studies the neurobiology of cognitive intermediate phenotypes for addictive disorders and focuses on three types of dysfunction along the perception-action cycle: attentional bias towards addiction-related stimuli, aberrant stimulus response association learning, and immediate reward selection bias. Visit her online: CABLAB.

Bollen, Kenneth
Immerwahr Distinguished Professor
358A Davie Hall
(919) 843-1992 | (919) 962-7501

Dr. Bollen studies structural equation models, longitudinal methods, and latent curve models. Visit him online: Kenneth A. Bollen, Ph.D.

Burnell, Kaitlyn
Research Assistant Professor
243A Davie Hall
(919) 843-8150

Dr. Burnell studies how adolescents and emerging adults use digital technologies, with a special focus on how this use parallels their developmental tasks and challenges.


Buzinski, Steven
Teaching Professor | Gil Internship Program Director | Assoc. Dir. of Undergraduate PSYC Studies
334 Davie Hall

Dr. Buzinski teaches undergraduate courses in social and cognitive psychology and directs the Karen M. Gil Internship Program. He studies the role of goal systems in self-regulation and the social psychology of the classroom. Visit him online: Steven G. Buzinski, Ph.D.

Carelli, Regina
Stephen B. Baxter Distinguished Professor | Chair
115 Davie Hall
(919) 962-8775

Dr. Carelli studies the behavioral neurophysiology of brain reward processing. Visit her online: Regina M. Carelli, Ph.D..

Chanon, Vicki
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of the Cognitive Science Minor
236 Davie Hall

Dr. Chanon teaches courses on various cognitive and neuroscience topics.

Cheatham, Carol
Associate Professor
216 Davie Hall
(919) 843-5020 | (704) 250-5010

Dr. Cheatham studies individual differences in cognitive development as they relate to nutrition and nutrigenomics, utilizing both electrophysiological (ERP) and behavioral methodology. Her research spans preconception to senescence. Visit her online: Cheatham Nutrition and Cognition Laboratory.

Christoffel, Daniel
Assistant Professor
122 Davie Hall

Dr. Christoffel aims to understand how chronic exposure to particular stimuli (i.e. stress, food, drugs) alters the functioning of specific neural circuits and investigates the mechanisms that regulate these experience-dependent changes. Visit him online: Christoffel Lab.

Cohen, Jessica
Associate Professor
335A Davie Hall
(919) 843-2664

Dr. Cohen studies how functional brain networks interact and reconfigure when confronted with changing cognitive demands, when experiencing transformations across development, and when facing disruptions in healthy functioning due to disease. Visit her online: Cohen Lab.

Cooper, Shauna
214 Davie Hall
(919) 962-7468<

Dr. Cooper studies the cultural and contextual factors that contribute to positive youth development, with a specific focus on African American adolescents and families. Her work spans multiple areas, including 1) family processes; 2) ethnic-racial socialization practices; 3) father engagement and involvement; 4) gender-related processes and 5) youth community involvement. Visit her online: Strength, Assets, and Resilience (StAR) Research Lab.

Curran, Patrick
356 Davie Hall
(919) 962-5235

Dr. Curran studies structural equation and multi-level modeling of longitudinal data, integrative data analysis and the fitting of models to data pooled over multiple independent data sources, and the risk and protective factors associated with the onset and escalation of alcohol and drug use in children and adolescents. Visit him online: Patrick J. Curran, Ph.D.

Daughters, Stacey
Professor | Clinical Psychology Program Associate Director
256 Davie Hall
(919) 962-9924

Dr. Daughters studies neural and behavioral determinants of substance use risk and treatment response, and the translation of this knowledge into the development and testing of novel treatments for substance use disorders. Visit her online: Biobehavioral Research on Addiction and Emotion [BRANE Lab].

Dutt, Rosie
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Neuroscience Career Development & Networking
330 Davie Hall


Dr. Dutt teaches interdisciplinary computational neuroscience courses, integrating engineering and data science concepts. Her background in communications, consulting, and entrepreneurship helps foster student success and alumni engagement through career development initiatives, connecting students with professional opportunities and strengthening alumni networks.

Estle, Sara
Teaching Associate Professor
332 Davie Hall


Fitting, Sylvia
Associate Professor
126 Davie Hall
(919) 962-6595

Dr. Fitting studies the effects of drugs, such as opioids and (endo)cannabinoids, in the context of HIV-1-related neurodegenerative processes by determining the cellular, structural, and molecular mechanisms underlying drug interaction with neuroAIDS. Visit her online: Fitting Drug Abuse/HIV Group.

Fredrickson, Barbara
Kenan Distinguished Professor
309 Davie Hall
(919) 843-0091

Dr. Fredrickson studies emotions, well-being, and positive psychology. Visit her online: Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory.

Gates, Kathleen
344A Davie Hall
(919) 962-4947

Dr. Gates studies time series analysis, structural equation modeling, Fourier analysis, graph theory, and develops, tests, and disseminates programs for use with intensive longitudinal data such as psychophysiological and dyadic interaction. Visit her online: Katie Gates, Ph.D.

Gaudier-Diaz, Monica
Teaching Assistant Professor
237 Davie Hall


Dr. Gaudier-Diaz teaches introductory and advanced courses in neuroscience. Her interest in stress and health, is reflected in courses such as, Neuroimmunology, Neurobiology of Disease, and Psychoneurobiology of Stress. Committed to offer the best neuroscience education possible she incorporates course-based undergraduate research experiences her teaching.

Gil, Karen
Pedersen Distinguished Professor
254 Davie Hall
(919) 962-7447

Dr. Gil studies health psychology, chronic illness, acute and chronic pain, stress and coping, child and family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Visit her online: Karen M. Gil, Ph.D..

Giovanello, Kelly
Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor | Senior Associate Dean for Research and Innovation 
341A Davie Hall
(919) 843-1302

Dr. Giovanello studies behavioral, patient-based, and functional neuroimaging approaches to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of human learning and memory. Visit her online: Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory Laboratory.

Gonzalez, Oscar
Associate Professor
337A Davie Hall
(919) 962-2127

Dr. Gonzalez studies statistical mediation, machine learning/data mining, and psychometrics and how these statistical methods can help identify, evaluate, and measure mechanisms of behavior change in interventions or prevention programs. Visit him online: Oscar Gonzalez, Ph.D..

Gordon, Peter
361 Davie Hall


Dr. Gordon studies word recognition and language comprehension, including the interaction between lexical and higher-levels of language processing and the coordination of language procession with memory, perception, attention, and motor control. Visit him online: Peter C. Gordon, Ph.D..

Gray, Kurt
327 Davie Hall


Dr. Gray studies moral psychology and mind perception. Visit him online: Mind Perception and Morality Lab. He is currently accepting students for the upcoming year.

Griffin, Desiree
Teaching Professor | Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Undergraduate Psychology Advising
232 Davie Hall

Hallquist, Michael
Associate Professor
250 Davie Hall
(919) 445-2369

Dr. Hallquist studies the development of interpersonal functioning and maladaptive personality features in young people from a decision neuroscience perspective. Visit him online: Developmental Personality Neuroscience Lab.

Harrison, Patrick
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of Instructional Development
241 Davie Hall
(919) 843-7000

Dr. Harrison teaches applied undergraduate courses in statistics and methodology and theoretical courses in social and personality psychology. He also studies the interface of positive psychology and intergroup relations. Visit him online: Patrick R. Harrison, Ph.D..

Hopfinger, Joseph
344B Davie Hall
(919) 962-5085

Dr. Hopfinger studies the brain mechanisms of attentional control, selective perception, cognitive training, and brain plasticity using multiple measures of brain activity (EEG/ERP, fMRI) and neural stimulation (tACS). Visit him online: Joseph Hopfinger, Ph.D..

Hussong, Andrea
262 Davie Hall
(919) 962-3031


Dr. Hussong studies risky development and substance use, factors associated with positive youth development, methods for studying developmental processes, and the creation of tools to promote resilience in youth. Visit her online: Family Journeys Co-Lab

  Jones, Deborah

Professor | Associate Chair
267 Davie Hall
(919) 843-2351

Dr. Jones studies the mental and physical health and well-being in the family context; the mechanisms by which families transmit risk and resilience; and, most recently, the development and enhancement of prevention and intervention programs to meet the unique needs of at-risk and under-served families. Visit her online: Jones Lab.

Kirby, Jennifer
Clinical Professor | Director of Clinic Operations & Training
246 Davie Hall
(919) 962-5034

Dr. Kirby studies novel couple-based interventions for individual psychopathology with a primary focus on emotion dysregulation and eating disorders.

Li, Rosa
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Undergraduate Outreach Program for Psychology & Neuroscience 
229 Davie Hall


Dr. Li teaches undergraduate courses in cognitive/cognitive neuroscience topics and for the Adolescent Brain Development and Technology Initiative. Visit her online: Rosa Li, Ph.D.

Lindquist, Kristen
321 Davie Hall


Dr. Lindquist studies emotions and affective neuroscience. Visit her online: Carolina Affective Science Lab.

Loeb, Jeannie
Teaching Professor | Director of Undergraduate Studies
235 Davie Hall
(919) 843-7753


Dr. Loeb teaches general psychology, biological psychology, laboratory in college teaching and co-created and teaches the interdisciplinary Triple I course called Death & Dying. She is passionately interested in evidence-based study strategies and faculty development of instruction. Visit her online: Jeannie Loeb, Ph.D.

Lysle, Donald
Kenan Distinguished Professor
126 Davie Hall
(919) 537-3748

Dr. Lysle studies neuroimmunology, the role of neuroinflammation in opioid addiction, and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. Visit him online: Donald T. Lysle, Ph.D.

Maheux, Anne (“Annie”)
Assistant Professor | Winston Family Fellow
227 Davie Hall


Dr. Maheux studies sociocultural and technological influences on adolescent development, with a focus on gender, mental health, sexuality, and academics. Visit her online:

Mulligan, Neil
341B Davie Hall
(919) 962-5038

Dr. Mulligan studies human memory, including implicit vs. explicit memory, episodic memory, attention, and memory retrieval. Visit him online: Neil Mulligan, Ph.D..

Muscatell, Keely
Associate Professor 
328 Davie Hall


Dr. Muscatell studies how social experiences (e.g., stress, social status, inequality, discrimination, loneliness, social support) influence physical health and emotional well-being, incorporating techniques from social neuroscience and psychoneuroimmunology to identify pathways linking the social environment and health outcomes. Visit her online: Social Neuroscience and Health Lab.

Navarro, Montserrat
Research Professor
119 Davie Hall
(919) 843-4042

Dr. Navarro studies the brain mechanisms that modulate neurobiological responses to alcohol and is interested in understanding how the brain neurocircuitry changes after ethanol exposure and how these changes can contribute to the transition from alcohol used to alcohol abused.

Nowlan, Alexandra 
Teaching Assistant Professor
Davie 231


Panter, Abigail
353A Davie Hall
(919) 962-4012

Dr. Panter studies evaluation methodology, measurement and testing, advanced quantitative methods, survey methodology, evaluation of HIV/AIDS service and educational programs, substance abuse, educational diversity, and professional advancement educational programs. Visit her online: Abigail T. Panter, Ph.D.

Parekh, Shveta
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Undergrad NSCI Research
266 Davie Hall


Parikh, Natasha
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Study Abroad in Psychology & Neuroscience
238 Davie Hall


Dr. Parikh teaches applied undergraduate courses in the department such as statistics and methods and has expertise in cognitive neuroscience. She is particularly interested in the interplay between emotions and memory. Visit her online: Natasha Parikh, Ph.D.

Payne, B. Keith
Professor | Director of Graduate Studies
312 Davie Hall


Dr. Payne studies automatic thoughts and feelings, with a focus on stereotyping, prejudice, and social attitudes. Visit him online: Keith Payne, Ph.D.

Prinstein, Mitch
Seters Distinguished Professor | Co-Director of the Winston National Center on Technology Use, Brain, and Psychological Development
240 Davie Hall
(919) 962-3988

Dr. Prinstein studies cognitive-interpersonal models of adolescent depression and self-injury/suicidality, peer influence, and adolescent risk behavior. Visit him online: Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D., ABPP.

Reissner, Kathryn
Professor | Behavioral and Integrative Neuroscience Program Director
121 Davie Hall
(919) 843-6885

Dr. Reissner studies how chronic self-administration of cocaine leads to modifications in cellular physiology and neuronastrocyte communication and how these modifications may contribute to long-term drug abuse.

Robertson, Sabrina
Teaching Associate Professor | Director of Neuroscience Curricula
230 Davie Hall


Dr. Robertson teaches undergraduate courses in molecular neuroscience and neurotechnology. She is also dedicated to the discovery and implementation of the best, evidence-based practices for neuroscience education and course based research experiences.

Rodebaugh, Tom
247 Davie Hall



Dr. Rodebaugh studies factors affecting maintenance and treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as chronic health conditions. He also investigates how intensive longitudinal data can help us understand and better treat these and related problems. Visit his lab online:

Rucker, Julian
Assistant Professor
307 Davie Hall


Dr. Rucker’s research focuses on how people understand racial inequality and discrimination. Visit him online: Julian Rucker, Ph.D.

Safa, Dalal
Assistant Professor
221 Davie Hall


Dr. Safa’s program of research seeks to understand the development of bicultural identities and competencies, broadly focusing on the intersection of culture, ethnicity-race, and development. Visit her online: BRIDGES Lab.

Sathy, Viji
Professor of the Practice

Dr. Sathy studies innovative instructional approaches and curriculum in higher education, programs aimed at broadening participation in STEM education, evaluations of teaching, and inclusive teaching. She teaches undergraduate quantitative courses as course-based research experiences: statistics and research methodology as well as makerspace courses. Visit her online: Viji Sathy, Ph.D.

Sheeran, Paschal
Stephen J. Walsh Distinguished Professor | Social Psychology Program Director
323 Davie Hall
(919) 360-1622

Dr. Sheeran studies self-regulation; specifically, how people direct their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to achieve goals. Visit him online: Paschal Sheeran, Ph.D.

Sheridan, Margaret
Associate Professor
248 Davie Hall
(919) 843-3182

Dr. Sheridan studies the neural mechanisms through which adversity affects brain development and risk for externalizing disorders; diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder in early childhood; and typical and atypical development of the prefrontal cortex. Visit her online: Child Imaging Research on Cognition and Life Experiences.

Telzer, Eva
Professor | Developmental Psychology Program Director | Co-Director of the Winston National Center on Technology Use, Brain, and Psychological Development
218 Davie Hall

Dr. Telzer’s research examines how social and cultural processes shape adolescent brain development, with a focus on both prosocial and antisocial behaviors, family and peer relationships, and long-term psychological well-being. Visit her online: Developmental Social Neuroscience Lab.

Thiele, Todd
117 Davie Hall
(919) 966-1519

Dr. Thiele studies the neurobiology of alcoholism and the central mechanisms involved with neurobiological responses to ethanol, using both genetic and pharmacological manipulations. Visit him online: Neurobiology of Addictive Behaviors.

Wiss, Charlie
Teaching Professor | Director of Foundation and University Fellowships
251 Davie Hall
(919) 962-0032

Youngstrom, Jennifer
Clinical Professor | Director of Clinic Services
125 Finley
(919) 843-2074

Dr. Youngstrom studies evidence-based or empirically supported treatments; effectiveness research with children and adolescents; and transporting treatments into the community.

Yousif, Sami
Assistant Professor
364B Davie Hall


Dr. Yousif is interested in the core building blocks of human cognition and how those develop across the lifespan. Most of his work focuses on various aspects of spatial cognition/perception, but he also studies topics like numerical cognition, event representation, and various aspects of memory. Visit him online: Perception, Cognition, & Development Lab.