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Study Abroad

Study Abroad provides a learning experience of a lifetime. College is an ideal time to discover different cultures, gain language skills, and explore one’s own interests and abilities. Study Abroad at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill offers over 300 programs in 70 countries. Students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors are less likely to study abroad, but there are many study abroad sites that offer students the option to take psychology and neuroscience classes!

We suggest you pick several locations where you want to study abroad and then find out which of your desired programs offer psychology classes. PSYC and NEUR courses taken abroad can be approved to count in our psychology and neuroscience majors. Learn more at UNC Study Abroad.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. Parikh, Natasha
Teaching Assistant Professor | Director of Study Abroad in Psychology & Neuroscience
238 Davie Hall

Here is a list of study abroad sites where Psychology and Neuroscience majors have taken courses in recent years:

Study Abroad with PSYC & NSCI Professors

Several Department of Psychology and Neuroscience professors teach summers abroad. Psychology courses can easily approve and transfer for our UNC Psychology majors. Check out some of our past Study Abroad opportunities below.

King’s College London
Dr. Anna Bardone-Cone, Dr. Patrick Harrison, or Dr. Charlie Wiss

UNC students have the opportunity to study at King’s College London for six weeks over the summer, take one UNC Psychology course and one King’s College London-taught course, and earn six credits toward their UNC degree. King’s College London’s international undergraduate summer school, a high quality and intensive academic program open to students from around the world, serves as host for the program. Located in the very heart of London, accommodation and classes are next to many of the great cultural, social, and entertainment attractions which London has to offer.

This program is a great academic opportunity for Psychology majors seeking to earn major requirements by exploring British culture. Students will take PSYC 572 Sex & Gender with Dr. Patrick Harrison or Dr. Charlie Wiss, or PSYC 245 Psychopathology (formerly called Survey of Abnormal Psychology) with Dr. Anna Bardone-Cone, and one King’s College London course of their choosing, taught by local faculty.

For more information and to apply, contact UNC Study Abroad. Check out our Summer 2020 flyer [PDF] or online brochure here!

Korea University
Dr. Eric Youngstrom
Dr. Jennifer Youngstrom

Korea University’s International Summer Campus is an excellent opportunity for Carolina students to live and learn in South Korea with students and faculty from Carolina and all over the world. International students, along with local students, take 2-3 courses from a wide variety of offerings, all taught in English. Optional Korean language courses are available. Classes are held Monday – Thursday and an array of cultural activities and excursions take place on Fridays.

This program is highly recommended for Carolina students seeking psychology credit. Undergraduates even can earn credit for upper-level psychology courses. Learn more about pre-approved Psychology courses [PDF].

For more information and to apply, contact UNC Study Abroad. Check out our Summer 2020 flyer [PDF] or online brochure here!

For more information and to apply, contact UNC Study Abroad.

Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Keely Muscatell

DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad) offers Carolina students to engage in challenging coursework enriched by faculty who teach what they do, field studies, hands-on learning opportunities, and study tours across Europe. Cultural engagement opportunities integrate students into local culture and students gain academic knowledge and intercultural skills to prepare for a globalized world.

This program allows Psychology majors to study the basis of human behavior while being immersed in Swedish culture (meeting and interviewing Swedish students, having dinner with a Swedish family, and visiting museums). Students will take PSYC 260 Social Psychology with Dr. Keely Muscatell and one DIS-taught course. Students will choose from the following DIS courses: Gender, Equality & Sexuality in Scandinavia, Power of Women in the Viking Age, Psychology of Political Behavior, Public Finance: European Perspectives, or Translational Medicine: From Bench to Bedside.

For more information and to apply, contact UNC Study Abroad. Check out our Summer 2020 flyer [PDF] or online brochure here!

University of Sydney
Dr. Rachel Penton

Study at the University of Sydney over the summer (winter in Australia) and participate in a short-term program designed to give students an opportunity to experience the university’s academic, social, and cultural life. The program includes a variety of course offerings, guaranteed housing near campus, and social and cultural events.

This program will prepare Neuroscience majors to understand the basic principles of pharmacology, receive an introduction to pre-clinical animal models to evaluate how drugs influence behavior, discuss pharamcotherapeutic treatment approaches to disease, and investigate the behavioral, environmental, and biological factors that are influential to illicit and repeated drug use. Students will take NSCI 320 Neuropsychopharmacology with Dr. Rachel Penton and a second course from a selection of courses at the University of Sydney.

For more information and to apply, contact UNC Study Abroad. Check out our Summer 2020 flyer [PDF] or online brochure here!