Joseph Leshin, a graduate student in Social Psychology, has received an honorable mention for the 2018-19 Ernest C. Davenport Award for Outstanding Psychological Research by a Student Who Enhances Diversity.
The purpose of the Ernest C. Davenport Award for Outstanding Psychological Research by a Student Who Enhances Diversity is to encourage and honor students from under-represented groups who make a contribution to the advancement of knowledge of psychological science.
Joseph Leshin, a fourth-year graduate student, received an honorable mention for the Ernest C. Davenport award for his impressive work within Dr. Kristen Lindquist’s lab. Joseph’s work focuses on understanding individual differences in emotional processes, including emotion regulation strategies. Within the Department, Joseph has worked tirelessly to promote diversity. His contributions on the Diversity Committee within the department have been invaluable to creating a more welcoming environment for individuals who identify as part of minority groups.