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Dr. Eva Telzer, an Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology, is the recipient of a 2019 Flux Young Investigator Award.

Flux: The Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience’s purpose is to advance the understanding of human brain development by serving as a forum for professional and student scientists, physicians, and educators to exchange information and educate the next generation of developmental cognitive neuroscience researchers; make widely available scientific research findings on brain development; encourage translational research to clinical populations; promote public information by discussing implications on the fields of education, health, juvenile law, parenting, and mental health, and encourage further progress in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. The Young Investigator Award in Cognitive Neuroscience recognizes outstanding contributions by scientists early in their careers. Award recipients have been working in the area of cognitive neuroscience for no more than 10 years involved in active independent research.

Dr. Telzer was awarded the Flux Young Investigator Award for her distinguished accomplishments and contributions to developmental cognitive science and was selected from an extremely competitive group of nominees this year. As the Flux Young Investigator Awardee, Dr. Telzer will be provided with registration to the Flux Congress in New York City August 30 – September 1, 2019, present a talk, and receive a $2,000 stipend supported by the Kennedy Krieger Institute.

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