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The UNC Diversifying Psychology Weekend (DPW) is an opportunity for talented ethnic/racial minority undergraduates and college graduates invested in pursuing doctoral level training in psychology and neuroscience. This year’s virtual program includes three days of seminars, panel discussions, and workshops. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to develop a competitive application, meet doctoral students and faculty from our department in formal and informal settings, and receive an introduction to our graduate training opportunities and each of our graduate research programs. This year’s DPW will invite students to explore the six graduate programs in the Psychology & Neuroscience department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Clinical, Cognitive, Social, Developmental, Quantitative Psychology, and Behavioral and Integrative Neuroscience (BIN). Application deadline: January 30, 2022. Letters of recommendation and transcripts will be accepted up to one week after the application deadline (until February 6, 2022).

For more information and to access the application, please click here:

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