Cognitive Talk Series: Fall 2022
ZoomResearch Talk: Title Fanting Kung, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-CH Zoom Upon Request
Research Talk: Title Fanting Kung, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-CH Zoom Upon Request
Patty Van Cappellen, Duke University Zoom Upon Request
Colleen A. Hanlon, Ph.D.Professor Clinical Neuromodulation Laboratory/Department of Cancer Biology Wake Forest School of Medicine Zoom Upon Request
Research Talk: Title Kathryn Weatherford, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-CH
Jessica Flannery & Jacob Dai, UNC Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Gabriela Livas SteinProfessor, Department Chair Dept. of Psychology, University of North Carolina – Greensboro Zoom Upon Request
Fathali Moghaddam, Georgetown University Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Bharathi Jayanthi ZvaraAssociate Professor Dept. of Maternal & Child Health, University of North Carolina Zoom Upon Request
Invited Speaker: S. Adam Smith, PhD Research Talk: Psychology in the Private Sector: Research on Extended Reality (XR) and Other Applications Adam Smith, PhD, Senior Scientist, Exponent (Engineering and Scientific Consulting) Zoom Upon Request
Ashlyn Brady, Sweet Briar College Zoom Upon Request
Eden HarderBIN Graduate Student Reissner Lab Zoom Upon Request
Student Only