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SPIRE Selected for University Diversity Intergroup Collaboration Award

April 9, 2018

SPIRE (Seeding Postdoctoral Innovators in Research and Education) has been selected as one of the Integroup Collaboration recipients of the 2018 University Diversity Award. The University Diversity Awards recognize individuals or organizations across six categories for exemplary service or scholarship … Read more

Lillian Reuman Selected for a UNC Graduate Student Mentor Award

April 9, 2018

Lillian Reuman, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 UNC Office of Undergraduate Research’s Graduate Student Mentor Award. The UNC Graduate Student Mentor Award was established to recognize and encourage mentoring of undergraduates by graduate … Read more

Laura Machlin Awarded CDS Predoctoral Fellowship

April 9, 2018

Laura Machlin, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 Center for Developmental Science (CDS) Carolina Consortium on Human Development (CCHD) Predoctoral Fellowship. The CCHD Predoctoral Program is a fully-funded two-year training program that are designed … Read more

2 Social Students Selected for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award

April 3, 2018

Aya Avishai-Yitshak and Joseph Leshin, graduate students in Social Psychology, recently received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recognizes outstanding graduate students in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. NSF fellows receive … Read more

4 Clinical Students Selected for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award

April 3, 2018

April Highlander, Anais Rodriguez Thomson, and Katie Thompson, graduate students in Clinical Psychology, and incoming Clinical Psychology graduate student Matt Clayton recently received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recognizes outstanding graduate students … Read more

Arun Nagendra Receives Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship

April 3, 2018

Arundati Nagendra, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship. Summer Research Fellowships provide summer support to doctoral students so they may focus exclusively on their dissertation research. The fellowship is … Read more

Henry Willis Awarded 2018 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

March 28, 2018

Henry Willis, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. Through its fellowship programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and universities faculties by increasing their … Read more

36 Graduate Students Receive 2017-18 Dashiell Student Travel Awards

March 28, 2018

36 graduate students in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience were selected to receive a 2017-18 Dashiell Student Travel Award. Generous donor support to the Dashiell Research Fund allows our departmental graduate programs to support graduate student travel to conferences. … Read more

Arun Nagendra Selected for SUTASA Undergraduate Teaching Award

March 27, 2018

Arundati Nagendra, graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTSA) Undergraduate Teaching Award. By student body referendum in 1989 and initiation of a special student fee, the Student Undergraduate Teaching … Read more