Cognitive Talk Series: Spring 2023
ZoomEpisodic Memory Impairment in Individuals at Familial High Risk for SchizophreniaAslihan Imamoglu, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-Chapel Hill
Episodic Memory Impairment in Individuals at Familial High Risk for SchizophreniaAslihan Imamoglu, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-Chapel Hill
Dr. Kiara Sanchez, Dartmouth College
"TBA"Kristen McLaurin, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology University of South Carolina
Dr. Andrea Pelletier-BaldelliPostdoctoral Fellow, CIRCLE Lab Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of North Carolina
The behavioral relevance of task-evoked functional connectivity in childrenMackenzie Mitchell, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-Chapel Hill
Dr. Marah Al-Kire, University of Washington
"Characteristics of prefrontal astroglial activity during natural- and drug-reward seeking behaviors"Jackie Paniccia, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neuroscience Medical University of South Carolina
Hippocampal Subfield Activity During Mnemonic Discrimination Across the Adult LifespanSeo Min Sung, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-Chapel Hill
We are pleased to announce the 7th annual Ann Rankin Cowan Lecture, which will be presented by Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, chair of the UNC Department of Psychiatry. Her talk is titled, "Disruptive Innovation in Research Approaches and Treatment of Perinatal … Read more
Dr. Hazel Markus, Stanford University