Developmental Seminar Lunch Series: Fall 2022
Dr. Iheoma IrukaResearch Professor Dept. of Public Policy, University of North Carolina Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Iheoma IrukaResearch Professor Dept. of Public Policy, University of North Carolina Zoom Upon Request
Research Talk: How Do Brain Networks Interact to Support Motor Learning During Childhood? Mac Woodburn, Graduate Student, Cognitive Psychology Program, UNC-CH Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Erica Wise, is a licensed psychologist who taught graduate courses on campus for over 20 years. She is nationally recognized for her workshops on ethics and self-care for psychologists and other health care professionals. Dr. Wise consulted on the … Read more
Professional Development Zoom Upon Request
Elena VidrascuBIN Graduate Student Boettiger Lab Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Vanessa VolpeAssistant Professor Dept. of Psychology, North Carolina State University Zoom Upon Request
Tatum Jolink, UNC Zoom Upon Request
Gregory Scherrer, PharmD, PhDAssociate Professor, UNC at Chapel Hill UNC Neuroscience Center Dept of Cell Biology and Physiology/Dept of Pharmacology Zoom Upon Request
Natalie Wittlin, Princeton University Zoom Upon Request
Dr. Michael GaffreyAssistant Professor Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University Zoom Upon Request